Cromwell Phoenix Global Opportunities Fund webinar
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Cromwell Funds Management Limited ABN 63 114 782 777 AFSL 333 214 (CFM) has prepared this notice and is the responsible entity of, and the issuer of units in, the Cromwell Phoenix Global Opportunities Fund ARSN 654 056 961 (Fund). In making an investment decision in relation to the Fund, it is important that you read the product disclosure statement dated 26 October 2021 (PDS). A target market determination (TMD) is also available. The PDS and TMD are issued by CFM and are available from www.cromwell.com.au/gof or by calling Cromwell’s Investor Services team on 1300 268 078. This notice has been prepared without taking into account your objectives, financial situation or needs. Before making an investment decision, you should consider the PDS and assess, with or without your financial or tax adviser, whether the Fund fits your objectives, financial situation or needs. CFM and its related bodies corporate, and their associates, do not receive any remuneration or benefits for the general advice given in this notice. If you acquire units in the Fund, CFM and certain related parties may receive fees from the Fund and these fees are disclosed in the PDS. Phoenix Portfolios Pty Ltd ABN 80 117 850 254 AFSL 300 302 (Phoenix) is the investment manager of the Fund. None of CFM, Phoenix, nor their related entities, directors or officers makes any promise or representation, or gives any guarantee as to the success of the Fund, distributions, the amount you will receive on withdrawal, your income or capital return or the tax consequences of investing.
Information collected by CFM and its related parties may contain personal information. Please refer to our privacy policy for information about how we handle your personal information, your rights to seek access to and correct your personal information and how to complain about breaches of your privacy.